Bentaus Energy Service

Direct Air Carbon Capture (DACC)


Carbon Catchers® by Bentaus Energy

At Bentaus Energy, we’re not just confronting climate change; we’re turning it into a catalyst for innovation and sustainability across industries. Our patented “Carbon Catchers” technology represents a leap forward in Direct Air Carbon Capture (DACC), efficiently extracting CO2 from the atmosphere and paving the way for a cleaner planet.

Beyond Traditional Boundaries: Carbon Catchers® technology is engineered for versatility, offering tailored solutions that extend from energy parks to vital agricultural and livestock operations. By capturing atmospheric CO2, we’re not only mitigating greenhouse gas emissions but also providing sustainable growth pathways for diverse industries.

The Bentaus MRV System: Integrity in Carbon Credits 

Blockchain-Verified Carbon Management: At the heart of our DACC technology is the Bentaus MRV system, employing advanced sensors and IoT devices to measure, report, and verify carbon capture data. This information is securely stored on the blockchain, ensuring each ton of CO2 captured is accurately accounted for, adding credibility and value to carbon credits generated by Carbon Catchers®.

Empowering Carbon Markets: With the Bentaus MRV system, we’re not just capturing carbon; we’re building trust in carbon markets. Our verifiable, transparent data paves the way for more robust, efficient carbon credit trading, offering a significant advantage to industries like agriculture and livestock, where sustainable practices are increasingly vital.


Verification and Certification:

Engage with recognized third-party organizations to verify and certify carbon credits. This guarantees legitimacy, accurate representation of emissions reductions, and adherence to established standards like the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) or the Gold Standard.


Project Credibility:

Ensure that carbon offset projects linked to purchased or created credits are credible, making a tangible impact on emissions reduction. Projects may encompass renewable energy initiatives, reforestation efforts, or energy efficiency projects.

Be Part of the Carbon Capture Revolution

Explore how Carbon Catchers® and the Bentaus MRV system can transform your industry, whether in energy, agriculture, or beyond. Reach out to Bentaus Energy today to learn more about our Direct Air Carbon Capture solutions and take a step towards a sustainable future.


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